Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Technology now adds a new dimension to religion!

Devotees in Islam now have a unique tool by their side with which they can make their prayer regimen more disciplined and even offer them to their children. By using this application, even young children can acquire a greater discipline and understand the true meaning of Islam. There are lot of features in this application that we will discuss in detail in this piece.

·        Easy download: This is one thing that really works in favour of this application. The application authors have ensured that it can load itself superbly on all devices powered by Android be it phone or tablet under any kind of network conditions. It takes very little space and that is good news for smartphone users as they are usually constrained for space.

·        Great look and feel: This is another distinctive feature that stands out once you download this application and makes it a delight to use. The user interface is good which makes the user experience superb.

·        Mosque Finder: Find the nearest mosque using this application and you will get to know the number of mosques where you can offer namaz in the vicinity. In order to activate this functionality, you need to activate the GPS navigation finder which this application will prompt you to do so, right at the beginning.

·        Qibla Compass: Islamic theology requires devotees to face the Medina whenever they are offering prayers from any part of the world. The fourteen different templates of the Qibla compass that are being offered are beautiful in design and can be changed daily also.

·        Waktu Solat: This functionality will help you convert the date from the English calendar to the Hijri calendar to know how close you are to any major Islamic festival. This functionality can also be used to offer prayers at the right time be it Fazr, Azr, Usr, Zohr, and Maghrib.
·        40 hadith: Snippets of information are offered by this application about the daily regimen followed by the Prophet and the same can be followed by devotees also.

·        Tasbeeh Counter: Instead of using a necklace with beads on it to count the number of times, the name of Allah has been recited; devotees can use the tasbeeh counter in full screen format.

·        99 names of Allah: If you are thinking of naming your first or second child or the child of any relative, then its best to know the ninety nine names of Allah that are mentioned in Arabic with their meaning in English

·         Quran: Verses from the Quran are offered in the form of short snippets and information about the five pillars of Islam namely: Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Fasting, Hajj are offered in this application.

All in all, this is a very useful application that can be used to offer prayers, discipline your prayer regimen, and become more aware and informed about Islam that is one of the greatest religions of mankind. Use this application, once and tell us about your experience. We will be looking forward to hear your opinion.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The best prayer app you can ever have!

Religion is often the glue that joins communities, nations and vast landmasses together in one psychological cosmos. And it is religion only and the faith in divine that keeps hope alive and drives creativity and innovation. So it is no surprise that mobile technology that touches so many lives is now being used to adhere to prayer timings and understand the holy book of Quran.

People are so hard pressed for time, that they do not have the time to read holy books in solitude and therefore they desire digital solutions that can help them read small snippets of Quran on the go while commuting and perform daily prayers according to the Islamic Salat namely Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Isha, Maghrib and earn the respect of their friends, parents, colleagues, spouse and children for addressing to the call of Allah and staying blessed. Prayer has the power to give you the strength to come out strongly with all guns blazing in a depressed economy and it is through prayer and hard work that you can beat any kind of recession.

This unique “Prayer Time and Qibla Pro” application being offered on Google Play is quite light-weight, easy to install and can be downloaded under any kind of network condition. It will help you adhere to the five tenets of Islam: Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Fasting, and Hajj.  If you are interested in knowing the 99 names of Allah for conjuring up the name of a newborn, then this application offers the entire list.

Bright, colourful and easily accessible through a touch screen interface, this application prompts users to turn on the GPS navigation functionality being offered in the smartphone or tablet and find the nearest places of worship. Mosque Finder functionality is expected to receive a positive response from working professionals in the Muslim world. So is the Hijri calendar and the date converter functionality that offers the exact reciprocal of a date in the English Gregorian calendar to its counterpart in the Hijri calendar.

The Qibla Compass functionality is another great tool that helps devotees find their co-ordinates viz-a-viz the Medina and offer prayers in the correct direction. It is customary in Islam to offer namaz in the direction of the median, the holy shrine of Muslims all across the globe.

More prayer functionalities are offered in the form of a Tasbeeh counter wherein short utterances glorifying the Allah are read out and the counting is done using the phalanges of the fingers or through a necklace but now you can do it electronically through a tasbeeh counter.

The Quran and Hadith are the two basic elements of any country that follows the Dar-ul-Islam (land of Islam) philosophy and its citizens follow the 40 Hadith that is basically a collection of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad with accounts of his daily rituals. There is a lot to learn from the 40 Hadith and devout Islam followers vouch for the timeliness of his teachings.

Lastly, don’t forget to use the ringtone functionality for setting alarms during prayer time and will prove to be really beneficial!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Video : Prayer Times and Qibla Pro

Download App : Muslim Prayer Times App

Prayer Times & Qibla App: You won’t need anything else!

That’s correct! This is one application that will you will be tempted to download as it is a great asset for anyone who wants to follow Islam. One of the greatest religions of the world that was born 1400 years ago, Islam today has the largest number of followers all across the world and it has eclipsed Christianity in the past two decades as the world’s most popular religion. Muhammad began preaching Islam around 610 AD. This puts Islam at around 1400 years old, making it one of the world's younger religions. Islam is a monotheistic religious tradition that developed in the Middle East in the 7th century C.E.

Its focus on purity of the soul, remembering Allah five times a day, performing namaz in a mosque, keeps one rooted to the ground. Most devout Muslims confess that offering namaz gives them a lot of personal satisfaction and peace of mind. It is usually true and it is reflected in the number of Google searches being made on the web and in app stores for prayer time apps that offer functionalities like adhan times, mosque finder, waktu solat and similar such functionalities that help followers stick to their religious routine.

No need to rely on alarm clocks anymore

Even people from other religions who have a stated interest in Islam and want to know about Muslim prayer times with Azan, Dua features, or access the Qibla compass which tells the distance from the Medina and the compass templates offered in the app are quite appealing from a design perspective.
This app also offers an Islamic calendar and the facility to convert dates in the English calendar to the Hijri calendar and get to know the exact dates of Islamic festivals. Mosque finder is really a great functionality offered by this app for those who are on the move and want to take a break for namaz while being in another city. The GPS functionalities will let you know the exact distance and the shortest path to the nearest mosque in the vicinity.

Lightweight, wonderful Android application

This android application is quite informative, lightweight and does not require any special permission to install. Available on Google Play, this application will list out all the ninety nine names of Allah and even enable you to read the Quran in multiple languages with daily duas that will help you to grow spiritually. All Muslim brothers and sisters will like this application that will be an asset for them in their daily lives.

The best part is that this application is free to download as similar applications in other stores are to be paid for and if you do not miss your daily prayer, good things will begin to happen to you. And this is a guarantee!

Most devout Muslims rely on alarm clocks for their namaz timings but this application goes a step further and offers not just the functionality to set up reminders for namaz timings. But also supplants the functionalities of the application with ample information about Quranic verses. It is easy to use, consumes less resources and can be downloaded in a few seconds even on a 2G connection. The application has been built in such a way that it can perform under any kind of network condition.